Springtime Lawn Care in Wilmington

We Surv Wilmington Painting & Handyman Services In Wilmington, NC

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Springtime Lawn Care in Wilmington, NC

Tips to Help Homeowners Prepare

We Surv Wilmington Crew Landscaping

As the days get longer and temperatures slowly start to rise, it’s time for Wilmington homeowners to get their yards ready for summer. Here are some tips to help you prepare your lawn this spring so that you can enjoy a beautiful yard all season long!

Step 1: Check Your Grass

When preparing your lawn for the upcoming summer months, begin by evaluating your grass type. The most common types found in Wilmington are Bermuda Grass and Centipede Grass. Knowing which type of grass you have will help determine what products and methods work best for keeping it healthy.

Step 2: Prune Dead Bushes or Trees

After assessing your grass, take time to look at any ornamental plants on your property — i.e., bushes or trees — especially if they seem dormant or unresponsive from winter chill. Pruning these dead branches or limbs will allow sunlight and nutrients to reach living parts of the plant, thus helping them become more vigorous and full-looking as spring comes around.

Step 3: Clean Up Debris and Trim Overgrown Areas

Winter winds could have left debris scattered throughout your property; thus, now is the perfect time to pick up any unaccounted-for items such as fallen leaves or broken branches before they start sprouting weeds! Additionally, if certain areas of your lawn appear overgrown due to lack of maintenance during winter months, be sure to trim it back prior to fertilizing (see step 5).

Step 4: Boost Your Soil Quality with Compost

Composting is a great way to revitalize soil quality without using synthetic chemicals; instead of breaking down into toxic runoff like synthetic fertilizers do, organic compost will hold onto water better and provide essential nutrients for better-looking grass and plants year round. Be sure to apply about one inch of compost per month across all turfgrass areas in order to maximize its benefits .

Step 5: Fertilize According To Schedule

Fertilization isn’t just beneficial for greening up a lawn — it can also promote root growth for healthier plants! Be sure to adhere closely with local regulations when applying fertilizer; too much could lead dangerous levels into nearby lakes or rivers. Additionally opt for organic options whenever possible over chemical products that could pollute light pollution levels from synthetic fertilizer runoff over time .

Step 6: Control Weeds As Necessary

Weeds tend pop up during springtime due to increased precipitation and warmer temperatures; this means that pre-emergence herbicides may not be as effective later on in the season as they are now! For smaller weed patches in ornamental beds try using shovels and rakes; however when dealing with larger infestations use boiling water on stubborn roots or natural oils like peppermint , vinegar ,or lemon juice since they won’t introduce toxins into the environment (or onto our food!).


Preparing is critical when getting the most out of your yard this summer season! By following through with each of these steps recommended above— from checking grass type to controlling weeds —you should have no problem achieving that lush green space you’ve always wanted come May!

The We Surv Wilmington Team

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